Choose the Right Marketing Channel

By author Webicules on 18 September 2016 | 2055 Views

Now that we know a little bit more about various marketing channels, it is time to understand the different strategies involved in picking the best one for your brand/organization. By this time, you must have also realized that going all out in a single go is possibly not the wisest of decisions when it comes to picking the most suitable marketing channel.

Pick and stick to one!

Although it is understandable that one would one to get all the attention from all the marketing channels available, it is usually advisable to start with concentrating on just one channel at the beginning. Being all over the place for marketing would only go on to complicate the entire process without yielding many satisfactory results. So, if you are starting with social networking sites, make sure you pick one of the sites and get done with its initial marketing work before you graduate to another social networking site. When the initial work for all the social networking sites has been laid out properly, one can start using all of these sites simultaneously and may even use this as the basis for another marketing channel.

Target the ones who are listening

It has been said over and over, but too many people miss out on the importance of knowing your customer well. This is of paramount significance that you know whom you are targeting before you market a product or a service. Knowing your customers and knowing where to find them are two things that can dramatically change one’s marketing strategy. You would not want to advertise a product, which is meant for the elderly population, on Instagram because chances are they would not even be there. Similarly, advertising a funky clothing line on Snapchat and Instagram makes a lot of sense, since that is where one would find youngsters, who would be willing to buy the said funky clothes.

Plan and schedule your content

Time is everything and it is important that one understands it well as a marketer. Managing time is one area that every marketer needs to be an expert at. Instead of managing all the different channels yourself or through the help of your team, use internet marketing tools that not only manage your content for you, but also post it on your behalf as and when you schedule them for posting. Another point, which is worthwhile to note, is that one can create content and store it for future use. It is also suggested that one writes a few articles for their blog before it is scheduled to go live. Doing so will help in organizing your content better and getting it out at the right time without letting your customers feel like you are spamming them. Posting relevant content as and when it should go out makes a huge impact on your content is being viewed by your customers. If you don’t post enough or on time, you face the danger of losing your customers’ interest. On the other hand, if you post too much, you face the same danger yet again considering this could come across as spamming to your audience.

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